Before I retired last month I went to a seminar on retirement. It was the first time I'd heard of the Grey Gap Year. "I'm assuming", said the tutor, "that like me you left school, went on to higher education and then straight into a job. I bet you'd never heard the words 'gap year'. So, now it's a "thing", why not now? The Grey Gap Year! It's becoming more popular with retirees using their tax free lump sum to travel the world while they are still fit enough to enjoy it."


It planted a seed in my head and on top of that Miriam and her mates in the Real Marigold are having fun in exciting locations, so why not me? It's very tempting, although may be not a whole year. What would we do with the dogs?  But long holidays, a Gap Quarter or a series of Gap Months? Why not?

I've taken to reading out the travel advertisements over lunch, you know, to subconsciously prepare my other half: start with something reasonable and add a bit of scope creep each time so that when I come to booking it he's already expecting it.

Transcribing my old travel diaries is helping me to relive some earlier adventures (and misadventures). It might be nice to go back with more time and at a slower pace to see how much, if any, places have changed although I think Syria would be an adventure too far at the moment. Besides there are plenty of places on my wish list I've never visited.

I think a few more projects will soon be added to my retirement list.